Source code for sanic_jwt_extended.utils

[docs]async def create_access_token( app, identity, user_claims=None, role=None, fresh=False, expires_delta=None ): """ Create a new access token. :param app: A Sanic application from request object :param identity: The identity of this token, which can be any data that is json serializable. It can also be a python object :param user_claims: User made claims that will be added to this token. it should be dictionary. :param role: A role field for RBAC :param fresh: If this token should be marked as fresh, and can thus access :func:`~sanic_jwt_extended.fresh_jwt_required` endpoints. Defaults to `False`. This value can also be a `datetime.timedelta` in which case it will indicate how long this token will be considered fresh. :param expires_delta: A `datetime.timedelta` for how long this token should last before it expires. Set to False to disable expiration. If this is None, it will use the 'JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRES` config value :return: An encoded access token """ return await app.jwt._create_access_token( app, identity, user_claims, role, fresh, expires_delta )
[docs]async def create_refresh_token(app, identity, user_claims=None, expires_delta=None): """ Create a new refresh token. :param app: A Sanic application from request object :param identity: The identity of this token, which can be any data that is json serializable. It can also be a python object :param user_claims: User made claims that will be added to this token. it should be dictionary. :param expires_delta: A `datetime.timedelta` for how long this token should last before it expires. Set to False to disable expiration. If this is None, it will use the 'JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRES` config value :return: An encoded access token """ return await app.jwt._create_refresh_token( app, identity, user_claims, expires_delta )